Top 12 Ways to Improve the Health of Your Skin

Top 12 Ways to Improve the Health of Your Skin

Healthy skin can seem difficult to attain, especially as we age. While it may seem like the odds are stacked against us, there are many simple skin care regimens that you can incorporate into your life to improve your skin dramatically. Here are some of our favorite ideas on how to do just that:

1. Use Quality Skin Care Products

Although inexpensive cleansers and lotions can be appealing for their price tags, you should consider investing in your skincare routine. Higher quality ingredients will help you achieve and maintain healthier skin.

2. Learn About Your Skin Type

There are four basic skin types: oily, dry, sensitive, combination, or normal. Using quality skincare products is a great first step, but if you have selected them for a worn skin type, you will be dissatisfied with the results.

3. Wash Your Skin Regularly

No matter what is your skin type, make sure that you wash once every morning and once every night. This will help to ensure there is no prolonged period of time where surface dirt and oil can develop unsightly blemishes.

4. Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize

Regardless of the type of skin you have, your skin requires moisture. Even oily skin can benefit from a light moisturizer that is formulated to control oils while hydrating your skin.

5. Rejuvenate Your Facial Appearance

A non-invasive chemical peel can work wonders by resurfacing the skin and reducing the appearance of wrinkles, scarring, acne, discoloration, and many other concerns. There is virtually no downtime, and this treatment can address more severe conditions that a regular beauty routine cannot.

6. Drink Plenty of Water

Water is essential to all our body functions, and skin greatly benefits from a high hydration. Staying hydrated can help heal your skin and reveal smoother, brighter layers of skin. If your body is dehydrated, it is also possible that your skin will become flaky and tight.

7. Use a Gentle Exfoliator

It is essential to remove dead skin cells and cleanse pores on a regular basis. We recommend exfoliating your skin at least once a week. Be careful not to use an exfoliant with harsh ingredients as that can result in more damage instead of improvement, especially for sensitive skin.

8. Use a Broad-Spectrum Sunscreen

If there is one single factor that harms your complexion the most, it is sun exposure, especially in our Maui environment. Wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher every day, indoor and outdoor is essential in preventing skin damage. You can also use other protection such as a big hat in order to protect yourself from sun exposure. A hat could keep it fun and fashionable all while protecting your skin.

9. Make Better Lifestyle Choices

Reduce or eliminate alcohol, stop smoking, and try to eat healthier foods. This is especially beneficial for people who struggle with inflammatory skin conditions. We understand that diet or other lifestyle choices may not always be the case, but if you have ongoing issues with your skin it may be something to consider. Avoid highly processed meals whenever possible and opt for homemade meals that are high in nutrients and low in sugars and fats. Changing your diet and eating more fresh fruits and vegetables can help to dramatically improve the look and feel of your skin.

10. Eliminate Stress

Learning new approaches and techniques to deal with and alleviate stress will help you feel better and stop frowning so much. When you feel better, inside and out, your skin will reflect these changes. Try a nice relaxing yoga class or even meditation, it’s very beneficial to have a healthy outlet for stress.

11. Wash Your Skin After Excessively Sweating

Sweat can clog pores and cause undesirable results, leading to blemishing like pimples and blackheads. Washing your skin after sweating excessively will help to keep your skin looking fresh.

12. Sleep

Getting your “beauty sleep” is very helpful to rid of dark circles, which will improve overall skin tone and evenness. When you are sleeping, it is your body’s time to recover, regenerate and destress. If you do not obtain a sufficient amount of sleep, your body is unable to produce new collagen. The good news is, you can take a step toward healthier skin without doing anything at all except sleep!

…Microneedling with PRP helps to regenerate collagen growth by activating your body’s healing process. By creating a large number of micro-injuries on your skin and using Platelet Rich Plazma for rejuvenation, you can achieve brighter, smoother and tighter skin with less discoloration, fine lines and blemishes.

How Can I Maintain My Healthier Skin?

Once you’ve accomplished smoother, softer skin, you will want to maintain the benefits you’ve acquired. You can do this by continuing your regimen and maybe even taking a step further to improve overall skin appearance and condition. Your skin is the biggest organ on your body, LOVE IT.

Many of our patients rave about the results they achieve with Microneedling with PRP. Microneedling with PRP helps to regenerate collagen growth by activating your body’s healing process. By creating a large number of micro-injuries on your skin and using Platelet Rich Plazma for rejuvenation, you can achieve brighter, smoother and tighter skin with less discoloration, fine lines and blemishes. There are many different aesthetic treatments that can also promote happier and healthier skin in combination with a structured skincare routine.

What is your first step?